Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thoughts on 'Diets'

By definition a diet is anything you eat... So you've been on a diet your whole life. Don't think of 'a diet' as some impossible monster beast that has strict rules and regulations, that comes sweeping in to make you lose weight . View it as making choices, the choice to be healthy by being conscious of what you're putting into your body. Start by figuring out numerically, how many calories you need to maintain and lose weight, then using those numbers, plan 4 small meals and 2 snacks for every day. After you know how many calories your taking in you can make your exercise schedule so that you know how any calories your burning. Using heart rate and a few other factors you can determine how many calories you're burning per workout. By 'workout' I mean 30 minutes of heart rate raising activities... I do yoga and jogging. Keeping a food journal also helps, writing everyday everything that you eat or drink (water included), include a time, if it's a meal or a snack, and what you're feeling (even if it's one word). You want to write it down right before or as soon as possible after eating, so don't go out to eat and accidentally forget your journal at home. Even if you never look back at it again, the very act of writing it down helps. After a few weeks you'll be able to see patterns and what makes you "cheat" on your diet. 'A diet' isn't about adhering to crazy rules, it's the self discipline to make choices become habits. Scheduling out everything and writing it all down helps you hold yourself accountable and it makes it way less overwhelming... Because you have a plan and since it's in your handwriting you want to take action, so you will, and you will succeed. How's that for a pep talk eh?

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